Marijuana Advances Of The 21st Century

In 2012, 6 year old Jayden David, who suffers from Dravet’s Syndrome, was given liquefied cannabis drops and for the first time since he was 4 months old, went an entire day without a seizure.

At one point, Jayden was prescribed 22 anti-seizure pills a day, and while they controlled the seizures, the pills left him immobilized due to the side effects.

But a non-psychoactive form of marijuana that does not get him high, has now allowed him to run and play like other kids.

Jayden and millions of people around the world, who suffer from a variety of ailments, benefit from the medicinal qualities of high cannabinoid or high CBD marijuana strains.

Cannabinoids are the main chemicals in marijuana. In recent years, various research and experiments have resulted in production of high CBD marijuana strains and in a large percent of these strains, THC is non-existent.

But it doesn’t take research to know that inhaling any kind of smoke into your lungs is bad for your health.

Because of this, new ways to administer medical marijuana are being invented so the patient no longer has to smoke to medicate.

Cannabinoids can be so beneficial; the human brain has two built-in cannabinoid receptors, which regulate certain body functions.

These are just some of the advances in the research and study of high CBD medical marijuana in the 21st century.

Cannabinoids are the main medicinal ingredient in marijuana.

While THC is the main psychoactive ingredient, cannabinoids are known to have anti-psychotic properties, which counter the effects of THC.

With this in mind, production labs are now growing strains of marijuana that contain a high concentration of CBD’s.

Some of these strains have CBD concentrations as high as 20%, which allow people living with illness to benefit from medical marijuana without the high associated with THC.

Up until recently, a big concern for some, was the fact that in order to use medical marijuana, an individual had to get high as a side effect.

That made many question the intentions of a so-called medical marijuana patient.

Does he or she really have an ailment or do they just want to get high?

With high CBD strains, getting high is no longer a factor while medicating with marijuana.

Therefore these strains will make it safe for everyone, from small kids to elderly adults, to medicate without concern of any intoxicating effects.

The development of high CBD marijuana should continue to help completely remove the stigma from its medical use.

There was a time when if a patient wanted to use medical marijuana, not only did they have to get high, they had to smoke it.

Smoking anything involves inhaling harmful chemicals into your lungs that were released as the medium burned.

Today there are numerous ways of administering and self-dosing medical marijuana.

Quit Marijuana Creator Tristan WeatherburnWritten by Tristan Weatherburn, Quit Marijuana is an e-learning program designed to help addicts quit smoking weed for good.

The reason why he came up with this program is because he was an addict himself having started from 14 to 27 years old.

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Author: Katherine McDolly

Besides blog author, Katherine McDolly is also a full-time certified nutritionist and beautician in women health products

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