As a diabetic who is trying to lose weight, it is not only important what you eat and how much but what you eat together too.
Foods react differently together and for optimal performance and the best effect on your blood glucose level there are a few guidelines that should be followed.
At each meal you should have a combination of carbohydrates and protein and you can have fat in moderation.
Most foods a diabetic will eat fall under the carbohydrates which can be found in:
1. Beans
2. Bread
3. Dairy Products
4. Grains
5. Fruits
6. Vegetables
To reduce blood sugars and lose weight, a diet where carbohydrates are counted and controlled is necessary.
Depending on your weight and height your dietician will provide you with a number of carbohydrates that you can have at each meal.
Some carbohydrates are better choices than others; choose fresh and whole wheat whenever possible.
Choosing carbohydrates that are high in fiber can help to reduce your blood glucose levels and will keep you feeling full for longer.
Higher fiber content allows you to eat more without suffering the consequences.
At each meal, a small amount of protein will help counter-act the carbohydrate’s effect of raising blood sugars.
Protein will also sustain you longer and you will not be hungry as quickly if you did not have protein at one of your meals or for snack.
Choose high-quality protein that is not fried.
Remove excess fat when it is possible such as chicken skin before eating.
Following a healthy eating plan with the correct number of carbohydrates at each meal combine with a protein can help you lose weight and manage your diabetes.
Make time for exercising in your week too and you are sure to lose weight and have more energy.
Designed by Judd Resnick, Diabetes Smarts is a powerful online program that aims to help people balance their blood sugar so that they can live free from any symptoms.
It not only offers valuable information but also the essential tools you need to stay healthy and live longer.