Stretching your muscles should be a part of your exercise program like improving your stamina and strength.
Using these simple techniques will allow you to improve your recovery time, reduce discomfort and injury while exercising and allow you to participate in all your life has to offer.
These lists are by no means complete but they will get you started.
What follows are never do and always do tips for stretching.
A. Never Do Tips For Muscle Stretching
1. Never Stretch Without Warming Your Muscles
This can be something as simple as walking while maximizing your arm movements for 5 minutes!
2. Never Stretch So You Feel Pain Of Any Kind Near Or On Your Joints
That pain is showing that you are stretching your ligaments.
Which Should Never Be Stretched.
Stretching your ligaments can be semi-permanent, depending on your age.
There is plenty of stretch in your muscles to allow a full range of motion.
3. Never Hold Your Breath
Every cell in your body requires adequate amounts of oxygen.
4. Never Do Back Stretches Involving Touching Your Toes When Seated
That movement does far to much stretching of the ligaments that hold your back in position rather than the muscle groups supporting your back.
There are better exercises that stretch your core muscles and your leg muscles.
B. Always Do Tips For Muscle Stretching
1. Always Warm Up Your Muscles
Depending on the physical activity, stretching at the end of your exercise session will work fine to get started.
There are certain types of exercises and sports that a short warm-up, stretching, an activity and then finishing with stretching again is suggested.
2. Always Maintain The Stretch Feeling At Equal Distance Between Joints
Adjust the angle of your joint to put the stretch where it belongs.
This will also help with rule 2 on the never do list mentioned above.
3. Always Breathe
Specific stretching techniques incorporate different breath controls and intensity, but for starting out, just keep breathing.
4. Always Stay Hydrated
Every cell requires clean water.
Adequate water levels in your body allow the proper removal of waste material from your cells and helps your kidneys work more efficiently.
5. Always Vividly Imagine
In a full colour movie, your relaxed, pliant muscles in an action packed story staring you.
6. Always Listen To Your Body
Each day will be different as you improve your flexibility and strength.
7. Always Incorporate Muscle Building With Your Stretching Program
Hopefully, these tips will help you get started with proper stretching techniques.
Designed by Alex Larsson, Hyberbolic Stretching is a comprehensive online training program that teaches you everything you need to know about stretching exercises to build your muscles, confidence and lose weight at the same time.